Udaipur is a famous tourist city. Large and exclusive hotels stand in the middle of a beautiful city full of lakes. But India is a contrast. Alongside these luxurious buildings only suitable for a privileged few are areas and neighborhoods of less fortunate people who live in shacks in very poor conditions.
Scholarship Program
Follow-up and support in the processing of the identity document, school uniform, daily classes by a qualified teacher, rickshaw transportation from home to the center, school supplies, quarterly outings, lunch and later enrollment in school.
Become Volunteer
We want to prioritize the employment of people in India. With this formula, the most vulnerable people have access to an opportunity to have a decent job and to increase their socioeconomic level, thus benefiting as many people as possible.
Our goal is to guarantee basic rights and improve the living conditions of people, who are in extreme poverty in India. We do it from different projects related to education, the empowerment of women, agriculture and human rights. All of them are kept alive thanks to local workers and the support of people like you. You want to know more?